**2023-2024 School Year St. Mary’s Aleppo CYM**
*Serving Coffe and Donuts after 10am Mass. Signing up to work Turkey Shoot games. Each CYM family bring 12 extra large 5” individually wrapped cookies for the cookie walk! ****2022-2023 School Year St. Mary's Aleppo CYM**** *Farewell to Seniors and Welcome to incoming Freshmen/Bowling and Pizza at D'Marios May 7, 2023 *Easter Egg Hunt after Mass on Easter *Served coffee and donuts and make Easter baskets/stuff eggs for Easter Egg hunt April 2, 2023 after Mass *Serve Coffee and Donuts after Mass March 19, 2023 *Thanks for all that attended the Chili Supper! It was a great success!! We served 165 people! ***February 19 Coffee and Donuts served after 10am Mass in the hall. ***February 26 CHILI & STEW SUPPER serving 4:30-7pm in the hall! CYM members start cooking at 1pm. Each family requested to bring 2 pies. EXTRA PIES NEEDED. PLEASE CALL OR TEXT JANET AT 316-215-1582 TO DONATE PIES!! All are welcome to attend! Tell your friends and neighbors to join you! Chili, stew and pie served. Take out welcome. *****2020-2021 SCHOOL YEAR ST. MARY'S ALEPPO CYM ***Chili Supper scheduled for Sunday February 21 in the parish hall. Serving 4:30-7pm. Free will donation. Chili, Stew, pie. We will also offer take-out this year! ***St. Mary's CYM is serving Coffee and Donuts in the parish hall this Sunday. January 24 after the 10 am Mass. Also will take down Christmas lights outsidse of church. ***St. Mary's CYM would like to invite the 7th and 8th graders to join our events to acquire services hours for Confirmation. We will be having Coffee and Donuts at St. Mary's Aleppo, putting up Christmas lights outside of the church, taking down Christmas lights after the Christmas Season is over and more Coffee and Donuts. Please join St. Mary's CYM as is convenient for you to obtain your Service Hours for Confirmation. I will post events here as they will be occurring. Also I will send texts to parents. ***Sunday November 22, 2020 St. Mary's CYM is serving coffee and donuts to the parish after 10 a.m. Mass in the hall. Please bring a mask, as corona virus precautions will be taken. |